Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

To associate a design to a work request

A work request can have multiple associated designs, even when it has an attached design. These associated designs might represent different scenarios that you want to consider before making a final choice for the attached design. An plus sign in the Tree column of the My Work view indicates those work requests that have either attached or associated designs. Clicking the plus sign in the Tree column expands the list to show information about these designs. Associating a design with a work request in the Initiated state changes its state to In Design.

Designs are associated with a work request using the Available Designs dialog box. For information about converting an associated design to an attached design, see Changing an Associated Design to an Attached Design.

  1. From the list of work requests in the My Work view, select the work request to which you want to associate a design.
  2. From the Actions menu, choose Associate. Or right-click the work request, point to Actions on the shortcut menu, and then click Associate.
  3. From the list of designs, select one or more designs that you want to associate with the selected work request and click OK.